What’s a GPS Dog Collar, and Does Your Pet Need One?

gps dog collar

Did you know that every year around 10 million pets in the US are lost? Sadly, only approximately 15 percent of dogs are reunited with their owners. 

If you own a dog as a pet or work dog, it’s essential to keep track of them. However, sometimes things happen that are out of your control. 

So, how do you ensure you can find your dog if they wander off or get lost? A GPS dog collar could be the correct answer for you. Keep reading to learn more about using a GPS tracking device for your dog. 

What Is a GPS Dog Collar?

A GPS dog collar is a tracking device that tracks your dog via satellite whenever they’re fitted with the collar. The collar can track your dog’s location and communicate it to your phone.

How Does it Work?

A GPS dog collar can connect to a satellite to track your dog’s location and communicate it to your phone. Every 30 minutes, the tracker will report the location of your dog.

What Dogs Need GPS Dog Collars

Does your dog need a GPS collar for dogs? Not every dog does, but work animals and dogs with certain behavioral tendencies are prime candidates for a pet GPS tracker. 

Dogs Prone to Wandering or Running Away

Dogs that are prone to getting lost or that have a tendency to wander off during the day could benefit from a GPS dog collar. GPS collars can track your dog’s locations and help you locate your dog if they go missing.

Dogs that are at Risk of Getting Lost

There are many dogs that are at risk of getting lost. For example, dogs that like to hunt or chase small animals.

Due to their natural love for these activities, they tend to get distracted and lose track of where they are. These dogs, therefore, benefit from GPS collars that can locate them when they get distracted and run off.

Livestock Guardian Dogs

Livestock guardian dogs can benefit from a GPS dog collar, especially if they’re kept on large farms where they could get lost or run away. These dogs are usually bred with a natural tendency to roam, which can prove problematic for pet owners if their dogs escape the property.

GPS dog collars can track these dogs and locate them when they get lost, helping the owner to bring their dog back safely. A GPS collar can also help alert you when your dog wanders into spaces they shouldn’t be in. 

Dogs with a History of Escaping

If your dog has a history of escaping outdoors, you may want to consider getting a GPS dog collar to help keep tabs on where they are going. If they’re prone to running away or getting lost, getting a GPS dog collar will let you know where they are so that you can keep tabs on their movements.

Dogs with Disabilities

If your dog has a physical impairment or mobility problem, you may want to consider getting a GPS dog collar to track where they are going and ensure they don’t get hurt. For dogs with a missing limb, a damaged ear, or blind or deaf; a GPS dog collar can be vital. 

Highly Active Dogs

If your dog is very active or you take them on a lot of long hikes, you may want to consider a GPS dog collar to track where they go. Especially if you enjoy taking your dog to hiking areas where they can be off-leash. 

Dogs Who are Exposed to Dangerous Conditions

If you live in an area prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, getting a GPS dog collar can give you peace of mind about where your dog is when such an event occurs. Remember that if the cell signal is down during this time, it could still be challenging to find your dog immediately. 

However, when the signal comes back up, the collar can help find them. 

Dogs Who Are at Risk of Being Stolen

If you’re worried about your dog being stolen and would like to keep tabs on where your dog is, a dog GPS tracker could be beneficial. If your dog does come up missing, you can report it and track your dog’s location using GPS. 

What Should You Look for in a GPS Dog Collar

There are many GPS dog collars available on the market, but not all of them will give you the results you’re looking for. There are several features you should consider before purchasing a GPS dog collar. 

Appropriate Size for the Dog

A GPS collar is only effective if it’s the right size for the dog. Check to ensure that the tracker is a size your dog can comfortably support.


A GPS dog collar needs to be waterproof. If it isn’t waterproof, water can get into the tracker and gum up the inside, making the collar useless.

Good Battery Life

If you’re planning on using a GPS dog collar to track where your dog is, you will need the battery to last a long time. Look for a collar that can keep tracking for several days before needing to be recharged.

Quality of the Signal

The quality of the signal can be affected by several factors. Walls, trees, and other obstacles can weaken the signal and make it impossible to track the dog. Make sure you get a collar with good signal quality.

If you live in an area that has poor cell signal, talk to your provider about options. 

A History of Locations

A GPS dog collar is most useful if it can keep track of the dog’s location at the time of tracking. Choose a collar that records and saves the dog’s location on a map so you can see where your dog has been.


Some GPS dog collars allow you to set up alerts. You can set up alerts to notify you if your dog gets too far away from you. You can also set up alerts for when the battery starts running out or when your dog is in a specific area.

Easy to Use Mobile App

Most GPS dog collars come with their own mobile app where you can track where your dog is and see its history of locations. Choose a collar with a user-friendly app so you can track it easily.

Find a GPS Dog Collar For Your Dog

A GPS dog collar can give you peace of mind regarding your four-legged friend. These collars are especially great for livestock dogs and dogs who tend to roam. 

Are you looking for the right collar for your dog? Lonestar Tracking is committed to helping you. Check out our GPS dog collar today. 

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